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Kidz At Play our programs are 100% practical and are directed by qualified teachers who focus on the group dynamics in order to be able to strengthen the coexistence between the beneficiaries and participants. This allows them to reach higher levels of self-control and self-esteem.

These programs are developed based on research studies by specialists and academics. They are backed by seven years of experience. Considering the importance of the positive effect on our beneficiaries, we will strengthen our proposal for the well-being of them and their family environment.


We have a staff of professors with a high social commitment. These programs are based on the results of the researcher obtained by Dr. Emilia Pérez (2012) who found that these programs are added to the tools that help in the process of transformation of all people. Which indicates; "Art allowed them to see their creative, achievement, imaginary and symbolic capacity. There was a sense that they are taken into account as human beings and that they can expect to have a more useful and fulfilled life".

It also reaffirms that; "Art opens the possibilities for future research that will contribute to the knowledge of psychologists, psychoanalysts, physicians, psychiatrists, social workers and educators, as an innovation in intervention having art as facilitator and potentiate of the psychotherapeutic process, contributing to the benefit of beings Human beings for a better life in this century that begins and we have called: Psychology and Art, Science of the Third Millennium "(Pérez, 2012).

Parenting Parent Program The importance of integrating parents into the ongoing development of their children will be vital for them to become integrated into a wellness society in the future.

UNESCO presented a study by Dr. Seamus Hegarty entitled "Education of young citizens with disabilities; Principles and practice (1994) which he will quote below:

Parent programs will be important for special children who can play a leading role in their education, if it is facilitated and enabled. This role may include collaboration in school activities, contributing to evaluation, curriculum planning, supporting home-based programs and monitoring students' progress 


Hegarty, S. (1994). Education of children and youth with disabilities. Principles and

Pérez La Rotta, Emilia. (2012). Techniques of dynamic intervention and art in patients with severe psychopathology. Journal of Psychology (Lima), 30 (1), 129-168. Retrieved on June 17, 2017, from

Contact Us:  Tel: (862) 237-7291  Fax: (862) 237-72992 Email:  

452 Avon Ave.
Newark NJ 07108

176 Avon Ave.
Newark NJ 07108

27 Jasper St
Paterson NJ 07522

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