Kidz at Play was founded in 2010 by a group of people of good will, professionals with experience in social work with the community. They developed various experiences of solidarity with various groups of children and adolescents. Carrying out work with groups of special status motivated to continue working for a fairer inclusion between the community and people through education in all its aspects to date.
Kidz at Play has as mission; Provide better opportunities with various innovative programs to guide the training and integration of beneficiaries towards their social development. We focus on teamwork by coordinating with the various private and public cooperating entities. That will allow the beneficiaries an equitable society, solidarity and with greater fair opportunities for all the participants within our diverse programs.
Our vision will be to train and educate children in their pre-school stage and to enable them to maximize and identify all beneficiaries their innate or potential abilities. Allowing them to be formed during their teaching and development processes in their various intellectual and personal stages. By reaching greater opportunities to be inserted within the diverse roles of society. Which is marked with many inequalities and opportunities that exist in their social environment.